Monday, December 17, 2012

Our Love Is Madness

The idea behind these photos was to express the dark feelings of a broken woman's mind. Women who have been abused in a domestic relationship, the breaking point of their sanity.

I'll drown when I see you.

He's alone in his house out there,
far, far away,
he sleeps with his eyes open.

He was so sad last night,
in this house out there
he took my hand
and whispered.

And life is so sad
in this house out there,
his window's alright
his garden is wonderful.

But this waterfall salt tears
comes from him,
he will fill his house.

He takes my hand
and whispers:
I'll drown when I see you,
I'll drown when I see you,
I'll drown when I see you.

These tears run so fast
in his house out there
he tried to get out,
his house took his hand and smiled.

You'll never escape
from this sad, sad house,
I take his hand,
we sink.

I'll drown when I see you,
I'll drown when I see you,
I'll drown when I see you,
I do.

Song Of The Day

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Lightly metal

 This was part of my series I shot for my lighting class. We were learning how to properly light and shoot metal objects to make it look dull and shiny. I thought the images came out beautiful.

Lighting Glass

A few images from my lighting class. For this assignment we learned how to properly light and shoot glassware.  I found them to be quite beautiful with the bright pop of colors.

I Know Not, Of What I've Done

In Hell

This is a series of 3 images I composed and shot for my Digital Image Illustration final. I am very pleased with the way these images came out. So much so that I have decided to make it a two part series. This series will consist of 12 images. 6 of which will be black and red, and the other 6 will be pink and white. It will be titled In Heaven, In Hell. I want to make angelic object with innocent meaning, such as fruit, look sinister and evil. And the opposite to objects used for violence such as a gun, grenade and brass knuckles, look innocent and pure. I want to bring a strong message with this series, and have high hopes for how far I can go with this idea. I will keep you updated on the progress with the series, I hope you enjoy.

New music inspiration.